- TraillWorks has a New Look

Published: Wed, 03/19/08

TraillWorks Logo

Look at the fine print.  The TraillWorks logo has changed.

On first look, nothing seems different.

But, upon closer inspection you will see two changes:

  1. The teal and brown are swapped in the logo.
  2. The description has changed from "painting & design studio" to "studio . art gallery . lessons"

I made these changes because I believed the teal is the more emphatic color which was drawing the eye to "works", rather than "traill". 

The description line I felt no longer accurately defined my business and when I relocate this will be on my studio sign.  So I needed to clarify what TraillWorks is about.

I hope you like the changes and you shouldn't have much trouble picking out my logo since the font and structure remain the same.

Keep your eye out for further changes in business cards and brochures over the next month as I move into my new studio. 

tel. 973-383-3418 email Jennie@traillworks.com


2008 TraillWorks. All Rights Reserved. If you wish to copy this material to other publications or mail lists, please ask for permission by writing jennie@traillworks.com. Thanks for your friendship.