Weekend Guide from TraillWorks

Published: Fri, 02/13/09

Not sure what to do this weekend? Join me in Summit, NJ on Friday for the opening reception of the 23rd International Juried Show or Saturday in Newton, NJ for a Sweetheart Walk and the opening reception Love ROCKS.

February 13th - 6 - 8pm
23rd Annual International Juried Show Opening Reception
Jennie's work was selected for inclusion. See her recent "maesta" paintings in what Dan Bischoff of the Star Ledger calls ". . .  a global cousin to the Whitney Biennial show of American Art . . ."

February 14th - 5 - 8pm
Love ROCKS! Opening Reception
New works by artists, Kathy Morawski and Jennie Traill Schaeffer, inspired by love will be on exhibit during this 2nd Saturday in Newton.
2nd Saturday / Sweetheart Walk 
Shop, dine and stroll with your lover on Spring Street.

Visit area stores to find the letters of a jumbled Valentine phrase. Unscrambled phrases can be entered to win a gift basket featuring coupons, gift certificates and other items from participating businesses. TraillWorks included a $25 gift certificate towards any purchase.

Sweetheart Specials
All artwork by Kathy Morawski at TraillWorks 20% off
Purchase any artwork at TraillWorks and get a free calendar 
(Valentine's Day only)

Commission a Wedding Cake Portrait and receive a set of 10 linen notecards featuring your completed portrait.
(during the month of February)

Detail of Mixer Maesta, Oil on linen, full painting - 36" x 60", 2008 Jennie Traill Schaeffer.

      love, 4 1/2" x 3 3/4", Kathy Morawski,

TraillWorks Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 1pm - 6pm
Friday 1pm - 8pm
Saturday 12 - 5pm*
Sunday 12 - 4pm
*2nd Saturday until 8pm

TraillWorks will close this Friday at 3pm in order to attend the International Juried Show in Summit, NJ.
now $5 
2009 Calendars


tel. 973-383-1307
©2009 TraillWorks. All rights reserved.