TraillWorks Newsletter: Giving to You and the Community

Published: Fri, 11/19/10

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  your passport into the studio, gallery and lesson space of artist, Jennie Traill Schaeffer

 In This Issue...

    Dear Friends,

    As the holiday season is swiftly approaching, I want to first take a minute to let you all know how grateful I am for each and every one of you. To the many new and old collectors who have purchased artwork of mine and other artists in the gallery, to the talented and loyal students I teach, to friends and family who support me unconditionally, to my associate, Corrie, and intern, Kassandra, who help me achieve more than I ever thought imaginable, and to those of you who have started an interest and are waiting in the wings, THANK YOU! Without you, TraillWorks would not be.
    To give back, TraillWorks is supporting the community by participating in the Gift of Warmth, a coat drive sponsored by our local United Way. We are also hosting an apron sharing event and will be educating everyone about National Tie One on Day in the hopes that each of us will spend the day before Thanksgiving in joy by giving to others. And, after just learning about American Express' Small Business Saturday, TraillWorks will be a participating location. Enroll your AMX card through their Facebook page, shop with a small business on November 27th and AMX will give you a $25 credit on your statement! Love all the give backs! 
    And, TraillWorks is offering so much to you - a secret offer the night of David Ohlerking's opening, 25% off framing when you purchase a David Ohlerking, and when you bring in a donation for the coat drive, we'll thank you with 10% off your next purchase. You'll find more details about ways TraillWorks is giving thanks in the column on the right.
    As you are making your shopping lists for those special people in your life, consider TraillWorks as a place to find truly timeless and authentic gifts. And, I wish you and your family and friends a very Happy and Bountiful Thanksgiving!


      2011 Jennie Traill Schaeffer Calendars

    Order yours now!  These Calendars make great portable planners and holiday "thank you" gifts for your postal service workers, teachers, hair dressers, etc.  Let them know you care, by giving them a gift that will stay with them through the year to come.
    Regular price:  $16.50
    You can simply click the Add to Cart button above to order your 2011 Jennie Traill Schaeffer Calendar or, if you'd prefer you can order via email to Jennie at You can also order by check/charge card by coming to TraillWorks in person, or placing a call to Corrie or Jennie at 973-383-1307. Calendars were sent to print this week and should be delivered to TraillWorks around Thanksgiving.

     W e d d i n g  Cake Portraits...
    Jennie's We dding Cake Portraits are an original way to preserve the memory of a wedding forever.  Winter Weddings are in Vogue, and  make for a beautiful Winter Wonderland event.  Jennie and her husband, Lee, married on December 4, 2004 in an art gallery in Bethlehem, PA.  They both love the winter season, once avid skiers, chose a winter-themed wedding complete with potato flakes thrown to mimic snow and the cake below covered in snowflakes. Give the newlyweds a gift to cherish they'll never expect!  Or surprise your loved one with an Anniversary gift sure to bring them back to the day you tied the knot.
    Wedding Day III, Oil on Panel, 8" x 8"
    (The artist's cake topper), © 2006
    Jennie Traill Schaeffer

     I n s i d e  the Artist's Studio...
    Jennie's most recent painting, hot off the easel! Read some of her thoughts on her current work below.
    Tied and Released #3, Oil on Panel, 24" x 12",
    ©2010 Jennie Traill Schaeffer $650
    "I completed this on Thursday evening. Many of my recent works, and even older ones, have featured this apron. It was Lee's Grandma Fran's, made probably in the '40s or '50s from blue, striped taffeta. I'm in love with this apron in particular. The more I've painted it, the more I understand the color blue! But this painting is now only about color, but about the continuing idea of the duality of the choice to wear an apron."
    "The sketch above is the selected composition chosen by one of my clients for a commemorative painting of a culinary trip to Italy. The client is gifting this to her husband for Christmas. My short-hand sketching depicts Mount Vesuvius in the background, a pizza, surrounded by lemons, framed below by crates of fruit. This is a starting point, and I'll be starting this sometime in the next few weeks. It was a challenge to come up with a cohesive piece involving an entire vacation, but she is thrilled with this. It's going to be 16" x 24", which is a nice sized piece. I look forwarding to sharing the finished painting with you next month!"

    L e s s o n Works...
    Jennie's Teen students have been working hard on  designing  a window display for TraillWorks, which will be installed just in time for Thanskgiving and the Holiday Parade on November 27th.  Make sure to come to the gallery and get a look at the finished product!
    Some of Jennie's other students have designed logos to represent the many storefronts on Spring Street to be included in a Scavenger Hunt map entitled Candy land! These maps will be handed out during the Holiday Parade or can be picked up at TraillWorks.  OR you can print out a copy of the map by clicking here!  Please make sure to click here as well to print the rules of the scavenger hunt. Take a look below at just a few of the logos designed for Prima Donna's, by Phoebe Nezamis, and  Maxwell and Molly's, by Natalya de Waal.
    TraillWorks Welcomes
    P h y l i s  B a r f o o t...
    Shibori dyed & BoHo Rag Hand Felted
    Silk Scarves and Wraps
    Phylis Barfoot has been a resident of Sussex County for over 25 years, and is a graduate of William Paterson University (2005). She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with concentrations  in painting  and printmaking, and an Associates degree in Fine Art from Sussex County Community College in graphic design.
    Barfoot has studied the Japanese Art Of Shibori with master Yoshiko Wada in addition to having spent time in study at Peter's Valley Craft Center. She has spent many years studying the Art of Silk Painting with such prominent teachers as Suzanne Punch, Natasha Foucault, Jan Janis and Paula Carnell.
    Barfoot is a standing member of Silk Painters International, the Surface Design Association, the Warwick Art League, the Ringwood Art Association, and the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council. She is currently an adjunct art Professor at Sussex County Community College and teaches workshops as well as privately.
    While at the University Barfoot received several awards including 3 First Places awards for printmaking and textiles as well as the Purchase Award to the University's permanent collection. She received the Best in Show award at the Bergen Museum of Art and Science, and others from The Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council and The Ringwood Art Association to name a few.
    Although exhibiting mostly in the tri-state area her work is currently in public and private collections through out the country. Her most recent client being The Phillipian Ambassador to the Vatican; work purchased from a juried show at The Riverdale Art Center (the RAC).
     Shibori dyed Silk scarves & Wraps
    $40. - $80.
    Barfoot has been published in Artbeat Annual numerous times as well as The Thing Magazine, and The NJ Herald. She wrote an article on her thesis entitled "For such a Time As This" that was posted on the worship page (archived) of the website for Rick Warren's- Saddleback Church in Irvine California.
    Phylis currently lives in her home in Highland Lakes New Jersey with her two children Kelly and Justin.
    "My passion for color, light, texture and contrast come from my natural surroundings.The reflection of river rocks in a stream, the veins and translucency of dragonfly wings, the richness of moss on ageless granite, or the brilliant colors of ocean fish among a coral reef. I can't open my eyes and not be inspired!" 
     -Phylis Barfoot-
    (Above) BoHo Rag Felted Scarves - Mohair, Wool, Alpaca, Synthetic Yarns, and Recycled Clothing - $120 each.
    U p c o m i n g and Ongoing Events
    • Monday, November 15th - December 16th - Gift of Warmth Coat Drive sponsored by The United Way.  New Winter coats, gloves and hats can be brought to TraillWorks, which will be distributed to county residents in need.  Any person dropping off a donation during the Gift of Warmth drive (November 15 - December 16), will receive 10% off their TraillWorks purchase as a thank you!
    • Saturday, November 27, 2010 - ALL DAY - American Express starts new  Small Business Saturday incentive program!  American Express will give a $25 credit to 100,000 of its cardholders who pledge to use their cards at independent businesses on Nov. 27.  TraillWorks is one of many participating small businesses.  In order to participate you must enroll your card by clicking the above link!
    E x h i b i t i o n s and Receptions
    • Saturday, November 20th, 2010 - 5 - 8pm Apron sharing / story telling event with Martha C. Hall and Jennie Traill Schaeffer, in conjunction with "Two Sides To Every Story" which will run through November 27th. Bring your aprons, your mothers, daughters, sons, sisters, fathers to share your apron stories.  As we spend the evening celebrating memories of loved ones and the warmth of aprons, we encourage you to share your warmth with a family in need and donate to The Gift of Warmth Coat Drive.
    Learn about National Tie One on Day at the event.
    What is National Tie One On Day?
    Click here to find out...
    • Saturday, December 11, 2010 -  5 - 8pm "David Ohlerking Paints Newton" Meet the artist Opening  Reception. Exhibit runs December 4th - January 29th. PURCHASE AN ORIGINAL DAVID OHLERKING AND RECEIVE 25% OFF FRAMING!  A string quartet is scheduled to  provide live music at the opening. Visit David's website to get an idea of the amazing work he creates!  David is now painting 12" x 12" paintings, priced at $150, two of which have already sold at TraillWorks.  Hurry in to stake your claim on his most affordable pieces to date.
    Reflection (Stroudsburg, PA) 24" x 48", Oil on Panel
    ©2010 David Ohlerking, $1200.

    • Sunday, December 19, 2010 - 12 - 4pm Jewelers Studio Guild Trunk Show One day only Trunk show featuring at least nine different jewelry artists.  The Jewelers Studio Guild, founded in 2007, exists to support self-representing studio jewelers from New Jersey and Pennsylvania who are committed to standards of excellence in their craft. 
        This will be a great opportunity to visit      TraillWorks for any last minute holiday shopping!
     S p r i n g Street Happenings
    Savor Spring Street on 2nd Saturday
    Shops and Galleries open late
     Art | Music | Food

    • Holiday Parade 10:00 am, November 27 - Candy Land Scavenger Hunt maps designed by TraillWorks' students will be handed out at the Parade or you can pick them up at TraillWorks or click for a printable version!

    • Holiday Stroll 5 - 8 pm, Saturday, December 11th - Shops with luminaries out front will be open late, Santa will be strolling the street as well as carolers from Newton High School. Join us at TraillWorks for the opening of David Ohlerking Paints Newton.
    J e w e l r y News
    M a r t h a  T r a i l l  S c h a e f f e r
    Ginko survived - $75.
    .999 fine silver formed over real ginko leaf and fired. Freshwater pearl cold connected with sterling silver chain
    Large silver ginko leaf with pearl - $68.
    .999 fine silver formed over real leaf and fired
    Freshwater pearl and sterling silver chain
    B e r n a d e t t e  B l a n e y 
    If you thought Bernadette was just a jewelry artist, the pictures below might surprise you!  
    Dichroic Glass Plate $325
    Iridized Glass Bowl - $145.
    Glass candleholders - $30.

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    Email us your thoughts here. Thanks.
    H o l i d a y  H o u r s
    November 25th - closed
    December 23rd - closing at 3pm
    December 25th - closed

    214 Spring Street | Newton, NJ 07860
    tel. 973-383-1307
    Sunday & Monday CLOSED
     Tuesday  12-6pm
     Wednesday  12-6pm
     Thursday  12-8pm  Friday 12-6pm  Saturday 12-8pm

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