TraillWorks E-Newsletter: The BIG News

Published: Wed, 01/27/10

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TraillWorks E-Newsletter

January 27, 2010
Dear subscribers,
TraillWorks is heralding in 2010 with full fanfare. I am re-energized, renewed, and reinvigorated by a new decade and two weeks of rest over the holidays. During the last six months the walls at 135 Spring Street seemed to be closing in. The last time I had this feeling of claustrophobia was in 2008 after I returned home from my residency at Peters Valley, realizing that my work would no longer fit in my 8' x 10' studio. That feeling then led me to open TraillWorks in a space on Spring Street. Well, you can probably imagine what I'm doing, but you'll have to read below to find out. 
And as we near Valentine's Day, TraillWorks is offering ways for you to be a SweetArt this holiday. Don't miss out on all the fun!

Your Purchases at TraillWorks will help the Haiti Relief Effort
TraillWorks will donate 5% off all sales, including artwork and lessons, now through Valentine's Day to Friends of the Orphans to support the relief effort in Haiti.

The Details -

Since the devastation in Haiti I wanted to support the relief effort and searched for a meaningful charity. As a new mom I am so lucky that my son is healthy, has two loving parents, and a roof over his head. Helping the children that are directly affected by the earthquake seemed most pressing to me. 

Friends of the Orphans (501(c)3) is "dedicated to fighting the vicious cycle of poverty" through fundraising dedicated to supporting the orphanages run by Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (NPH). Together these two organizations "transform the lives of orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children by creating families for life through values of unconditional love, shared responsibility and education; . . . [enabling] children to grow into caring and productive members of their communities." This charity touched my heart, as well as guest artist's, Kathy Morawski. We will donate 5% of our sales at TraillWorks now through Valentine's Day. Every purchase during this time will be accompanied with a note about the 5% donation.

Another Way to Savor your Day Forever . . . Photo Contest
The Details -
Contestants can share how they savored their 'special day' by bringing a picture of their wedding cake to TraillWorks anytime through February 12th.
On 2nd Saturday, February 13th, visitors to the gallery can vote for their favorite wedding cake photo and enter a contest to win a discount certificate valued up to 25% to be applied towards a purchase at the studio. The owner of the wedding cake photo with the most votes will also receive a discount certificate valued up to 25%. Visitors can vote from 10am - 7pm and the winners will be announced immediately afterwards.
Bring your photo in person to 135 Spring Street, Newton or Email your submission. Emailed submissions must include your name, address, phone number and email address. Files must be no larger than 2mb and should be 300dpi for quality printing. 


Follow Wedding Cake Portraits on Facebook now through Valentine's Day and you'll get $75!

The Details -
You'll receive a coupon worth $75 to be applied toward a Wedding Cake Portrait when you follow Wedding Cake Portraits now through Valentine's Day.


TRAILLWORKS is moving up . . .  to 214 Spring Street!
The Details - 
Starting March 1st, TraillWorks will be open in its new location, 214 Spring Street. For many reasons, most importantly to have more space, I felt it was time to "grow up." 135 Spring Street has been an important stepping stone in my career as an artist, but I'm running out of space and have different needs than when I first opened in 2008.
214, located next to Charm and Maxwell & Molly's Closet, is a 1360 sq.' space which is much larger abd more compartmentalized, allowing me to have my own dedicated studio space, and framing area. While I love sharing, these are two areas that need to be restricted to me. This means that my lesson area will also be dedicated mostly to teaching. The gallery space / teaching space may intersect or flow together, and I've yet to determine exactly how the rest will be used; have no fear, it will all be adequately filled.
With my move to a more finished space with better displays, I will be able to expand on the artwork and lessons. I am looking for jewelry to fill up some beautiful glass displays, particularly handmade, fabricated metals. I have a couple of potential leads but would love your recommendations if you know of any metal smiths that make jewelry. My individual lessons will continue but I've seen an interest in shorter-term workshops. I've yet to plan this out, so now is an opportunity for you to let me know what you might like to see at TraillWorks. If there's a topic or medium you'd like to explore in a one-day or weekend workshop, or if you're an artist who might be interested in teaching a workshop at TraillWorks, please send an email with your interest to
Thank you to all of you who have visited me, supported me, and entrusted your children and selves in me while at 135. I hope you'll continue to follow me at my new location where exciting things will be happening.
I am still open at 135 through the month of February by appointment only, during regularly scheduled lessons and on 2nd Saturday from 10am - 8pm. Please call before your visit as I'll be fluctuating between the current and new studios. Can't wait to share the new studio with you!
135 Spring Street | Newton, NJ 07860
tel. 973-383-1307
HOURS: As we transition the studio from 135 to 214 Spring Street, Traillworks be open on 2nd Saturday from 10 - 8pm, and the rest of the month by appointment only and during regularly scheduled lesson times. 
©2010 TraillWorks. All rights reserved. 
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2nd Saturday
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