TraillWorks Newsletter: Change is in Store

Published: Mon, 01/28/13

TraillWorks is Evolving
Dear -- It is with mixed emotions that I share with you the news of TraillWorks' future. Over the past year, many changes have occurred in my personal life, from getting pregnant to the possibility of relocating our family. After much deliberation, we put our home in Newton for sale two weeks ago, and are now under contract. My husband commutes quite a distance to his job and we've decided to relocate to Maplewood, NJ, to enable a better quality of life for our family. With this decision means my transition from running the retail studio space in Newton, to working in a home studio for awhile once my baby is born in May.

The past seven years that I have been in business in Newton have been rich with experiences. I have met the most amazing people from very loyal customers, supportive business owners in the community, as well as many talented and special artists, many of whom are now friends. Opening up a retail space and gallery was never my intention or dream, but happened out of the necessity for studio space. What transpired has been truly remarkable. I am very proud of the space and services that I have developed and offer to the community, and will be sad to leave it and all of you. However, I'm very excited about the prospect of spending time with my new baby, more time with Joel and my husband, and getting back to the roots of my business - making my own art!

While this is the end of my involvement in Newton with my studio and gallery, I am embarking on the next step in my artistic career. Who knows where this will lead me, but I know good things are in store. And I do hope to keep in touch with many of you.

During the next few months, I will be informing you of my plans. In the meantime, our current exhibit is ending and what will probably be the final exhibit at TraillWorks, EVOLUTION , will be opening. Some students have already asked where they should continue their art training. I will be offering lessons through early April. It is my hope that someone will purchase the business and continue offering lessons in my space. If that does not happen, I will happily refer you to other places in the area.

There might be some changes to the schedule as I learn more about the closing date on our home and our moving plans. In the meantime, I have listed the studio and gallery for sale on
Craigslist . If you or someone you know is interested in taking over the studio and gallery, I would love to talk to them. I'm looking for a business-minded person with a background in art education and art making. Any serious inquiries can be made via email to .

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