A New Year's Wish for You from TraillWorks

Published: Thu, 01/01/15

Dear ,
Thank you for following my works throughout 2014 as I've made the transition from moving to West Orange, being home with Auggie, and starting up my studio from home. I'm very proud of my accomplishments over the course of the year including: the work I produced, the launch of a new web site, the addition of new students from the local community, the inclusion in several local art exhibits, and the accomplishments of my students! I've met and reconnected with many interesting people and have started to feel part of the community.

Of special note, I'm happy to report that former student, Kyle Reimer, is enjoying his first year in attendance at College for Creative Studies in Detroit and my current student, Emily Haag, just received the news that her application was accepted to Rhode Island School of Design! Congratulations and best wishes to them both.

In the words of Henri Matisse, "creativity takes courage," and you continue to feed my courage. I'm not sure yet what 2015 may bring, but no doubt, it will be interesting. Won't you continue on my journey and discover it with me?



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