Find me Saturday Drawing Dance in Easton PA and #20DaysofTraills Kicks Off

Published: Thu, 12/01/16

Contemporary Artist & Art Teacher Jennie Traill Schaeffer
Dear ,

December has begun and I'm thrilled to be presenting my art at Twin Rivers Dance Academy in Easton, PA, this Saturday night, during a Dance & Draw Event where you can watch live dance improv, while I draw. This Tuesday, I kicked off my #GivingTuesday everyday thru December campaign, and today I'm starting #20DaysOfTraills which will be shared across all social media channels online. Learn more below and stay in touch. I hope your December is filled with love and art.

Creatively and with ❤️,
I'm so excited to be back in Easton, PA! My sister, Allison Schaeffer, is the new owner of Twin Rivers Dance Academy, located in the heart of downtown at 45 N Sitgreaves Street. On December 3rd, from 6 - 8pm, I'll be joining her improv class for a public performance, which will also welcome the public to participate in the improv, if so inclined. During the dance, I will be drawing the movements and participants. What transpires is uncertain, but my hope is that the works will then be framed and hung at the space early next year, if they aren't sold that night :-) Currently, a body of my work is also on exhibit and for sale in the downstairs reception area. Please stop by and see me, my work, and the work of my sister's dancers. It's a terrific space, with a great artistic vibe. EMAIL ME with any questions. 
I plan on giving 20% of my sales which began on Giving Tuesday, (November 29th - year's end), to the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation which aims to alleviate suffering caused by mental illness and 100% of their contributions are passed out to researchers. A portion of any art purchases you make will help me assist a very important organization. You can read more on a recent blog post, about why I selected this foundation and learn more about the organization. 
P. S. Thanks for joining me on Instagram last month. I held my first-ever Flash Sale. While I didn't sell anything, you now have an opportunity to take advantage of those works at 50% off, through the end of December. EXPLORE HERE. And, I held my first successful Instagram contest, naming the locales of my latest ARTaments. The winner has yet to contact me, so there may be a new winner. In the meantime, you can explore the new ornaments featuring the Zoo Loop walking path and the Thomas Edison National Park, both located in my hometown of West Orange, NJ. Continue following me on Instagram for the next 20 days for #20DaysofTraills, gift ideas featuring original art by moi.