Lots to Be Thankful for, Especially You!

Published: Wed, 11/22/17

Jennie Traill Schaeffer: Teaching Artist
Dear ,

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie

I'm on that path above and am finding more peace than I've experienced in quite some time. Art is one of those vehicles towards gratitude for me because each time I sit to create, I put myself in the present. As I look back at past work and structures of my business, it leads me to now. The vision for the future is crystallizing, but not yet clear.

Thank you for following, friending, lessoning, and arting with me over the past year. Many of you have been with me since the beginning, while some of you have just discovered me. I'm hopeful for more focus and clarity in 2018 which will influence my artwork and my lessons. 

Please continue to join me as I develop my vision of TraillWorks, because my work and lessons are meant to be shared with you. 

Many wishes to you for a very happy, healthy and full Thanksgiving!

My two turkeys painting in my studio
Deep gratitude for my two turkeys painting in my studio the other night.  
 PS - I know you're getting ready for Thanksgiving: traveling, cooking, baking, etc. In light of that, I will not be sending you offers tonight or tomorrow. But be on the lookout for some Small Biz Saturday special coming to your inbox on Friday. Please check your email if you've been eyeing something, whether lessons or artwork.