As mentioned above, we made the difficult decision to put my studio pal, Ringo, to sleep on Saturday. He was almost 13, and his body was failing him. I've never before attended a dog's passing, but insisted - and given my kids ages, went alone. I don't think I was
prepared for the amount of feelings, as well as for the difficulty of watching him pass, but I'm eternally grateful that I was there. He was by my side for so many difficult and joyful things - from bringing home our sons from the hospital, jumping on our dining room table as a pup, stealing every amount of food possible, greeting my students and artists at my studio, to staying with us during illnesses, unemployment, relocations, and beyond.
He was a beautifully handsome dog who got me the first time he threw a paw on me. Ringo enjoyed a long life with us and we are filled with good memories. So many of you had the joy of knowing him personally. Browse the photos, take him in, and then take a moment to watch the video about what's going on in the studio right
“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love
as unconditionally as a dog.”―M.K.Clinton